Things learned about Joe Lansdale during the #hapandleonard Twitter q&a

The fine folks at SundanceTV, the network that early next year is delivering the long awaited HAP AND LEONARD TV show, pulled nine factoids about Joe Lansdale from the #hapandleonard Twitter q&a.
Joe Lansdale tweeted with fans of his book-series-soon-to-be-TV-show, HAP AND LEONARD, sharing his thoughts on reading, writing and superheroes. In case you missed it, here are some our favorite discoveries about the author.
1. Being the writer has its rewards.
“Crew and actors had the difficulty. I had a nice chair.
3. The series will stick to the books (more or less).
Somethings have 2b changed to fit, but for the most part it’s pretty much my books. I’m very pleased
9. And how, exactly, Leonard came to be…
"Leonard @BKBMG is a collection of people I’ve known, and my imagination.”
Discover the rest of the Lansdale tidbits at SundanceTV.

Also coming in early 2016 from Tachyon is HAP AND LEONARD, a collection of the finest Joe R. Lansdale short stories featuring the not-so-dynamic East Texas duo.
HAP AND LEONARD cover by Elizabeth Story.