On his site PEEPHOLE IN MY SKULL, Peter V. Brett is giving away copies of THE GREAT BAZAAR & BRAYAN’S GOLD.
For this contest, we’re asking you to craft a drabble. A drabble is…
“A short work of fiction, about one hundred words, not including the title. A drabble is all about brevity, testing the author’s ability to express interesting and meaningful ideas in a confined space.”
We’re very excited about this contest. We’ll be picking several winners. Can’t wait to see your entries!
Entering is easy. Just follow three simple steps…

Step 1: Write a drabble set in the Demon Cycle world that contains an original character or demon (or both).
Step 2: Send your drabble to by July 8, 2015. The drabble should be a MAXIMUM of 100 words.
Step 3: Prosper.
This contest is international. Everyone is encouraged to enter! If you need inspiration, check out this quick overview of the Demon Cycle world:
Winners will receive a paperback copy of The Great Bazaar and bragging rights!
For full details visit PEEPHOLE IN MY SKULL.
For more info about THE GREAT BAZAAR & BRAYAN’S GOLD, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story.