Every story in must-have THE MONSTROUS is excellent
Reviews for superstar editor Ellen Datlow’s forthcoming anthology THE MONSTROUS keep coming.

Elan Samuel at THE WARBLER lauds the invigorating anthology.
Honestly, every story in this anthology is excellent. It’s really a testament to Datlow’s wealth of experience in the genre, and her masterful touch in editing and compiling the best stories around. What’s more, I was inspired by this collection, remembering that several shorts I had begun writing felt like they were going nowhere. After reading THE MONSTROUS, I realized they are perfect setups for horror. I am invigorated and excited by this foray into a new genre.
I devoured this anthology, and was immediately hungry for more. I guess I’ll go pick up my Lovecraft collection.

RECLUSIVE READS heaps even more praise upon the must-have book.
This is not your typical monster menagerie. Ellen Datlow has gathered tales of the unexpected, unique takes of the unusual creatures that loiter within the imaginations of some of the finest purveyors of dark fiction working today.
A must-have for every fan of horror.
Highly recommended.
THE MONSTROUS rises from the depths this October.
For more on THE MONSTROUS, visit the Tachyon page.
Illustration by John Coulthart
Cover by Reiko Murakami
Cover design by Elizabeth Story