Happy birthday to the multi-talented Rick Klaw

(Tachyon managing editor Jill Roberts has hijacked the Tachyon blog. Control will be restored to the proper parties shortly.)
Tachyon’s Publicity Manager Richard “Rick” Klaw is the wearer of many hats. Fortunately, he looks good in all of them.

Design by Elizabeth Story

Klaw is a professional editor, reviewer, publicist, marketing guru, geek maven, and optimistic curmudgeon. He has provided nigh-countless reviews, essays, and fiction to a variety of publications: The Austin Chronicle, Blastr, Moving PicturesMagazine, San Antonio Current, Geek Dad, San Antonio Business Journal, Conversations With Texas Writers, The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, SF Site, Science Fiction Weekly, Nova Express, STEAMPUNK, Electric Velocipede, Cross Plains Universe, Red Range, and The Steampunk Bible. Many of his essays and observations were collected in Geek Confidential: Echoes from the 21st Century (2003).

Klaw also co-founded the influential Mojo Press, one of the first publishing houses dedicated to both graphic novels and prose books for the general bookstore market. For Mojo, he co-edited (with Joe R. Lansdale) the groundbreaking original anthology of short fiction in graphic form, Weird Business (1995). He also served as the first fiction editor for RevolutionSF.
Klaw has edited all the volumes of the Tachyon Hap and Leonard crime series by Joe R. Lansdale most recently, BORN FOR TROUBLE: THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF HAP AND LEONARD. He is editing the forthcoming 2023 titles THINGS GET UGLY: The BEST CRIME STORIES OF JOE R. LANSDALE and the debut novel THE LEGEND OF CHARLIE FISH by Josh Rountree. He edited Bruce Sterling’s Italian fantascienza collection, ROBOT ARTISTS & BLACK SWANS; he also co-edited Sterling’s PIRATE UTOPIA (2016). Additionally, Klaw is the editor of two anthologies that were published in 2013: THE APES OF WRATH and Rayguns Over Texas.
In addition to his many other activities, Klaw manages Tachyon’s publicity team, and he develops content for Tachyon’s social media. He is Tachyon’s resident expert on remote technology, and he organizes and facilitates many of the company’s virtual events.

Klaw lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, a perpetually confused dog, a pair of adorable, high–energy cats, and an impressive collection of books.
Tachyon wishes Rick a very happy birthday (and we thank him for allowing us to undermine his regularly scheduled social-media domination).