Help out STRANGE HORIZONS and get amazing books
The fine folks over at STRANGE HORIZONS are in the midst of their annual fundraising drive.

Since its launch in 2000, Strange Horizons has pursued a number of goals. We want to publish great stories and poems that expand the possibilities of speculative fiction; we want to provide a space for in-depth discussions that help us to understand and extend those possibilities. We want to encourage and support new writers of SF from diverse backgrounds, and pay them professional rates. And we want to continue to make our content available free of charge, without being dependent on advertisers or corporate sponsorship.
We are a non-profit organization, staffed entirely by volunteers, and so a huge part of our success has been down to you, our readers. Strange Horizons relies on your donations to stay in business.
In our fifteen years, we’ve been proud to publish work by—and in many cases, help to launch the careers of—such writers as Saladin Ahmed, Eleanor Arnason, Charlie Jane Anders, Christopher Barzak, Matthew Cheney, John Clute, L. Timmel Duchamp, Hal Duncan, Amal El-Mohtar, Carol Emshwiller, Molly Gloss, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, N. K. Jemisin, John Kessel, Ann Leckie, Ken Liu, Alex Dally MacFarlane, Meghan McCarron, David Moles, Yukimi Ogawa, Adam Roberts, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Sofia Samatar, John Scalzi, Nisi Shawl, Lewis Shiner, Vandana Singh, Karin Tidbeck, Genevieve Valentine, Jo Walton, Jane Yolen, and too many others to list.
This year’s goals
Our goal this year is $18,000.
Your donations this year will enable us to publish another year of Strange Horizons. That means over 30 new stories, weekly poetry and reviews, and monthly essays and interviews, all with the goal of helping to make SF a more global and inclusive tradition.

Everyone who donates is entered into the prize draw, featuring an array of books, artwork, and other goodies. Among the prizes are signed copies of the Tachyon titles WONDERS OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD by Patricia A. McKillip, THE MADONNA AND THE STARSHIP by James Morrow, SLEIGHT OF HAND by Peter S. Beagle, and STRANGE ITINERARIES by Tim Powers.

Visit STRANGE HORIZONS for all the details.
For more information on WONDERS OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thomas Canty
For more information on THE MADONNA AND THE STARSHIP, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story
For more information on SLEIGHT OF HAND, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ann Monn
For more information on STRANGE ITINERARIES, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Ann Monn