In anticipation of The Harlem Book Fair, WKCR interviews Nalo Hopkinson about FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS

Photo: David Findlay, 2011
In anticipation of The Harlem Book Fair, WKCR programmer Danielle Smith interviewed Nalo Hopkinson about her new book FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS.
Please share what your new book, “Falling in Love Hominids” is about…
NH: It’s a collection of short stories I published in various venues over the last few years. My fiction is always fantastical or futuristic, so the stories include everything from fire-breathing chickens to a post-apocalyptic world with no adults in it, just children trying to survive.How important is it to you that you are identified as a black female writer vs. just a writer?
NH: Nobody is “just” one thing. I try to make room to declare all my identities – the ones that I care to discuss – in all spaces.
Hear the rest of the interview at WKCR.

For more information on FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Chuma Hill
Design by Elizabeth Story