It’s difficult to explain all of the great things that occur in HANNU RAJANIEMI: COLLECTED FICTION

The first from SO, I READ THIS BOOK TODAY:
There is an extraordinary degree of intelligence and creativity to these stories. I hadn’t read any of Rajaniemi’s works before, and not being a true ‘hard sci-fi’ junkie as are some of the other reviewers of this marvelous collection, I was both charmed and excited by these stories that push past contemporary sci-fi into new and wonderful ideas. Physics, humans become gods, language as poetry. The limits are pushed and blurred until the stories of what comes next reach into the realm of the exceedingly strange.
This isn’t a collection for those who require only ‘light reading’. These are beautifully crafted, sometimes cutting, sometimes consoling, but always mesmerizing tales of what comes after what comes next.
It’s really difficult to explain all of the great things that occur in Hannu Rajaniemi’s stories. Instead, I’m going to highlight a few specific stories I really enjoyed and then tell you what I wish had happened.
In addition to the great stories, the collection features a number of recurring themes like individualism, parenting, and the relationship between man and computer. I only wish there had been a theme unifying the stories together.
Overall, 4/5
For more info on HANNU RAJANIEMI: COLLECTED FICTION, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Lius Lasahido
Design by Elizabeth Story