Join Edgar Award winners David Liss and Joe R. Lansdale in conversation about Liss’ new alternate history THE PECULIARITIES

The acclaimed David Liss joins Hap and Leonard creator Joe R. Lansdale discuss THE PECULIARITIES in a Mysterious Galaxy virtual event on Wednesday September 8 at 7PM PT.
Photo by Karen Lansdale
How to join our Livestream
View and register for the event on Crowdcast here! View our virtual event code of conduct here. Please note that it applies to all attendees, authors, and moderators and is to ensure our event spaces stay a positive, welcoming place for respectful discussions and multiple perspectives.
Event Accessibility: Open events (non-ticketed) may be viewed live with real time captions via our Facebook page. More info here.
How to Order a Signed/Personalized Bookplate from David Liss
1. Add the author’s book to your cart.
2. At checkout in the “order comments” box write signed only or to whom your bookplate should be personalized. Personalization requests are due one week after the event. Please note that it may be up to several business weeks after the order deadline for you to receive your bookplate. Thank you for understanding!