Kimberly Unger’s debut NUCLEATION will grab you by the collar and refuse to let go

At REDDIT in r/printSF, aquila49 was impressed by Kimberly Unger’s NUCLEATION.
This one grabbed me by the collar and had me engaged until the very the last sentence. The novel is propelled by a “big” SF idea—technology built on the spooky principles of quantum entanglement makes it possible to remotely operate robotic devices in real-time, across many light years.
Month of December Wrap-Up and Optional 2020 Year-In-Review!
A former gaming engineer, author Unger knows how to build tension. She also knows a bit about corporate bureaucracy and ineptitude. A techno-thriller wrapped around a murder mystery, NUCLEATION is an impressive debut that left me impatient for the inevitable sequel. 4.5/5.0
Unger participated in Dive into Worldbuilding – Institutions and their invisibility.
Unger has some amazing friends such as the proprietor of Churchill Book Collector in San Diego, CA, who gifted her a one-off, leather bound copy of NUCLEATION for Christmas!