Lavie Tidhar has written some weird, wonderful novels like THE VIOLENT CENTURY, UNHOLY LAND, and CENTRAL STATION

BOOKSHELF FANTASIES is excited about Lavie Tidhar’s CENTRAL STATION.
UNHOLY LAND was my first encounter with Israeli science fiction. CENTRAL STATION, published two years earlier, looks like another strange and fantastical trip to a futuristic world. The story includes space exploration and other dimensions, but is also set in that world’s version of Tel Aviv, and honestly, I can’t wait to see what it’s like.
The only reason that I haven’t read this yet is the perpetual problem of having way too many books to read and always finding something else that’s a higher priority. I really do want to get to CENTRAL STATION!
REDDIT r/fantasy offers two Lavie Tidhar mentions.
Lavie Tidhar has written some weird wonderful novels like THE VIOLENT CENTURY, Osama, and A Man Lies Dreaming. They’re all genre mashups to one degree or another.
Adult Fantasy recommendations for…an adult.
Lavie Tidhar’s UNHOLY LAND, and Victor LaValle’s Big Machine and The Changeling all might count. Even more of a stretch, The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins, which is even more horror-y than the ones above, and super weird, which may make it hard to seem “literary” for some people, but has a lot going for it.
Is there any urban fantasy, series or standalone books, that can be considered “literary”?