A trio of new reviews for the thought out and imaginative LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG.

Kelley Armstrong’s Led Astray hits all the notes it’s supposed to, and quite a few higher ones as well. A short story collection featuring both original tales and smaller bits and bobs related to Armstrong’s various ongoing continuities, it’s an enjoyable read, expertly arranged to provide bite-sized variety all the way through. And while Armstrong’s core following is paranormal romance readers, there’s plenty of content here for those more focused on the paranormal — or in several cases, the post-apocalyptic — than the romantic.
Of course, for those more interested in Armstrong’s bread and butter, that’s here too — werewolves and vampires and wisecracks galore. “V Plates,” “Young Bloods,” “The List” and “Learning Curve,” among others, all fill in gaps in continuity in her more popular series, covering everything from a young werewolf’s attempt to lose his virginity (to a zombie, no less) to various characters’ origin stories. For fans of books like Bitten, these pieces are the crunchy nuggets at the heart of the book’s appeal. For less devoted fans, they offer a reasonable diversion on the way to the more complex, largely standalone stuff. In either case, however, the collection’s a pleasant surprise with plenty for hard-core fans and newcomers alike to enjoy.
Armstrong’s writing pulls you in and keeps your interest. All the stories were well thought out and imaginative, and the conclusions to some will definitely not be what you expected! There are some pretty creepy ones in here as well. They might not keep you up at night, but they definitely can give you a chill and raise the hair on the back of your neck.
I would definitely recommend this to Kelley Armstrong fans, and fans of related genres.
If you have yet to read any of Kelley’s books and were thinking of starting or wanted a sample, I’d say this anthology is a good place to start. I don’t think you’d be spoiled by anything in this one. Characters get mentioned that you won’t meet at the very start, so that’s the most you’d be spoiled by!
Overall Rating 4/5 stars
For more information on LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story