Looking forward to Lavie Tidhar’s CENTRAL STATION
Lavie Tidhar’s forthcoming new novel CENTRAL STATION is making many suggested lists.

SF BOOK REVIEWS includes the novel among its Books to look out for in 2016.
Lavie Tidhar is an incredible, vastly under-appreciated author and I look forward to his new works like few others. CENTRAL STATION is about a worldwide diaspora that has left a quarter of a million people at the foot of a space station. Cultures collide in real life and virtual reality. The city is literally a weed, its growth left unchecked. Life is cheap and data is cheaper.
But at Central Station, people and machines still adapt, thrive, love … and even evolve.
TSANA’S READS & REVIEWS mentions the book.
this science fiction book looked really interesting and will be my first Tidhar, also for review from NetGalley.

The Spanish language blog EL
ÚLTIMO DESEO FANTÁSTICO declares the novel as one of the top three most anticipated books of 2016.
The other novelty is CENTRAL STATION of Lavie Tidhar, a designer who have read much less than I would like and I’ve always heard good things. Luckily I managed an ARC of this book, which I hope will soon start delve into the author’s work.
(Translation for Spanish courtesy of Google)
Without mention, the JEWISH BOOK COUNCIL and GENRIFY both list CENTRAL STATION.

For more info about CENTRAL STATION, visit the Tachyon page.
Posters by Sarah Anne Langton
Cover design by Elizabeth Story