Peter Watts’ forthcoming novel THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION is interesting-sounding

CIVILIAN READER includes Peter Watts’ THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION among their listing of New Books (December 2017-January 2018).
Thought this was an interesting-sounding sci-fi novel. THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION is due to be published by Tachyon in May 2018, in North America and the UK.
John DeNardo on KIRKUS mentions the novel among Looking Ahead: A Preview of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Books 2018 Has to Offer.
Meanwhile, THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION by Peter Watts depicts a most unusual rebellion of the future, slowly taking place one day out of every million.

Photo by Johan Angelmark (CC BY-SA 2.0), via Wikimedia Commons
On the Polish site DZIKA BANDA, Adrian Turzański interviews Peter Watts.
What are you currently working on? Somewhere it has been said that over Sunflowers. Apparently you already have three stories finished.
I am currently working on answers to this interview. In the meantime, I intertwine this with a small SF script written for people from X-Prize (I just got recruited to their “Science Fiction Advisory Board”, I have no idea what it is).
Interesting that you mentioned Sunflowers. I just sent the fourth story from this series to my editor in Tachyon, it’s called THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION and it’s about the rebellion, mentioned from time to time in several other stories. It seems to me that soon it will also be published in Russian.
Then I have plans for Intelligent Design. Technothriller of the near future, talking about “smart money” and genetically modified giant squid.
Translation from Polish courtesy of Google
For more info on THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story