SF fans will love Peter Watts’ THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION, a tale of bizarre future employment and genuine wonder

In a starred review, PUBLISHERS WEEKLY praises Peter Watts’ THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION.
Watts pits the drive toward success against the need for connection, leading to an ending as open and as expansive as the universe. SF fans will love this tale of bizarre future employment and genuine wonder.
On his blog NO MOODS, ADS OR
CUTESY FUCKING ICONS, Watts shares some revelations about the book.
There’s the backcover, for one thing. You’ll notice actual blurbs from some pretty big names.

To my immense relief they continue to trickle in even now; as usual, I’ve stuck the lot of them over on the Pull Quotes page. As of yesterday there were fourteen, only four of which hail from personal friends.

There’s also the section breaks. FREEZE-FRAME is broken into six large chapter-like things, and Tachyon has graced each with its own title page. Each is simple, each is evocative, each is perfectly suited to the ambiance of the pages that follow. The one on display here steals its name from an old Jethro Tull song, because you can’t copyright song titles.
I have to hand it to Tachyon; they’ve done a bang-up job on a project that, for all its modest size, cost them way more time, effort, and money than you’d expect for a trade-paper novella. Even the basic printing costs were unusually high, for reasons which are apparent on almost every page.
The reader responses offer some more interesting bits.
livens, on April 11th, 2018 at 8:25 am Said:
Pre-Order confirmed, cannot wait!
So its the red letters right? You know the first thing we’re going to do it parse through the entire book and write down all of the red letters to find the secret code ;).
Peter Watts, on April 12th, 2018 at 4:49 am Said:
livens: You know the first thing we’re going to do it parse through the entire book and write down all of the red letters to find the secret code ;).
Good luck working through all the typos we deliberately stuck in to throw you off the track.
Peter Watts, on April 14th, 2018 at 8:39 am Said:
keithzg: When possible I do try and buy from publishers who will provide DRM-free files themselves, since otherwise I’m encouraging the questionable practice of DRM.
Good point. Did I mention that Tachyon e-books are DRM-free?

At READ WELL, Suncerae Smith enjoys the story.
I’m surprised how well paced the story manages to be when all the humans have to go back to sleep for thousands of years every couple of chapters. However, the book misses out on what should be some good emotional reactions to fellow shipmates, Chimp, and the events that follow from the protagonist. Recommended as a short hard scifi that’s big on both time and spatial scope!
Sandra Ruttan on the crime fiction blog DO SOME DAMAGE makes an unexpected mention of THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION.
Just finished the excellent THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION on that score and that was a blast… and who here is talking about Brian Cohn’s The Last Detective? Oh, that’s right… another book that hasn’t gotten its due.
For more info on THE FREEZE-FRAME REVOLUTION, visit the Tachyon page.