Stellar THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY features the brightest new stars in the genre
Excitement mounts Peter S. Beagle and Jacob Weisman’s forthcoming anthology, THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY with a pair of new reviews and a shout out.

KIRKUS praises the anthology with a *starred* review.
A companion piece of sorts to Beagle’s critically acclaimed anthology, THE SECRET HISTORY OF FANTASY (2010)—a collection of stories that transcended the conventions and clichés of contemporary fantasy—Beagle and Weisman’s latest contains 19 comparable stories from some of the genre’s most innovative and exciting new voices.
Although most of the authors included here may not be household names like the ones in the earlier collection (which featured works from Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, and Octavia E. Butler, among others), the quality of the stories is undeniable.
A stellar anthology that proves not only that fantasy is alive and well, but that it will be for years to come.
Sam Reader for B&N SCI-FI & FANTASY BLOG includes the book as part of 7 Standout SFF Short Story Collections to Start Your Summer.
As anthologies can act as marvelous gateways to the
garden of forking paths that is science fiction and fantasy, it’s always
a big deal when an anthology of the latest luminaries of the genre
comes sees the light of day, and this one is a doozy. Co-edited by Peter
S. Beagle, one of the all-time greats in fantasy, NEW VOICES reads
like a list of the brightest new stars in the genre, spinning tales of
sapient tornadoes, jackalope mating rituals, suburban vampires, and
ducks trying to understand faith. Beagle and Jacob Weisman have
assembled a fantastic list of favorites and newer writers alike (Alyssa
Wong, Brooke Bolander, Amal El-Mohtar, Hannu Rajaniemi, JY Yang, and the
list goes on…); NEW VOICES serves as a good cross-section of current fantasy and who to watch out for.

Peter S. Beagle (photo: Rina Weisman) and Jacob Weisman
THE REVIEW CURMUDGEON likes the volume.
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is a collection of stories by authors who have recently hit the upper levels of speculative fiction writing – publication in the top venues, award nominations, and so forth.
While I didn’t necessarily like every story in this volume, I appreciated the authors’ ability.
For more info about THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Camille André
Cover design by Elizabeth Story