Tachyon infiltrates Armadillocon 45 with Jacob Weisman, Cory Doctorow, Joe R. Lansdale, Marie Brennan, Josh Rountree, and Rick Klaw
Join publisher Jacob Weisman, Editor Guest Rick Klaw (THE APES OF WRATH), and a cadre of Tachyon authors including Special Guest Cory Doctorow, Joe R. Lansdale (THINGS GET UGLY: THE BEST CRIME STORIES OF JOE R. LANSDALE), Marie Brennan (DRIFTWOOD), and Josh Rountree (THE LEGEND OF CHARLIE FISH) for ArmadilloCon 45, August 4-6 at Austin Southpark Hotel in Austin, TX.
ArmadilloCon is an annual literary convention sponsored by the Fandom Association of Central Texas, Inc. The primary focus of ArmadilloCon is science fiction and fantasy, but we also pay attention to art, animation, science, media, and gaming. Every year, dozens of professional writers, artists and editors attend the convention. We invite you to attend the convention, especially if you are a fan of reading, writing, gaming, and generally having fun.

Featured Guests
- WRITER GUEST: Sequoia Nagamatsu
- SPECIAL GUEST: Cory Doctorow
- SPECIAL GUEST: Gabino Iglesias
- TOASTMASTER: Tonia Ransom
- ARTIST GUEST: Gonzalo Alvarez
- FAN GUEST: Charles Siros