Tachyon tidbits featuring Patricia A. McKillip, Kameron Hurley, Nancy Springer, and Michael Swanwick
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.

Patricia A. McKillip (photo: Stephen Gold/Wikimedia Commons), Kameron Hurley, Nancy Springer (Bob O’Lary), and Michael Swanwick (Beth Gwynn)
At PAPERBACK WONDERLAND, Susana Patrícia declares Patricia A. McKillip’s THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD as one of the best books of 2017.

An epic story that I just don’t know how to review, so just go read it and see for yourself 😉

The Spanish language site DONDE ACABA EL
INFINITO names Kameron Hurley’s APOCALYPSE NYX as a book they want to read in 2018.
Anthology of stories by Kameron Hurley. Almost all of them have been read by Patreon, but (re) reading Hurley on paper is always a pleasure.
Spanish translation courtesy of Google

THE FANCY HAT LADY READS previews Nancy Springer’s THE ODDLING PRINCE. (Starts at around 15:07)
On his FLOGGING BABEL blob, Michael Swanwick offers Odd Advice for New Writers: The Blurb Shelf.
Okay. So you’re a new writer, you’ve made a few sales, maybe your first novel has come out. Now you’ve been approached to provide a blurb for somebody else’s book. What do you do?
Knowing new writers, you’re going to drop everything, read the book at once, and if at all possible you’re going to provide a blurb. It’s what real writers do, after all. It’s a sign that you’ve made it into the Great Game! They want your blurb! Just like they want Ursula K. Le Guin’s! But after that?
I suggest you start a Blurb Shelf. Find a convenient corner among your books and when you receive a copy of the book (as you should) from the publisher, place it there. The next time one of your blurbs appears, put that book next to the first one. And so on. After a while, the shelf will begin to take on a kind of personality. When it does, stop and ponder:
Do you like what you see?
Ideally, you should be blurbing the kind of writers you want to be, those who write works like your own, those you admire, and those you think are becoming worthy of being on your blurb shell. It should serve as a kind of mirror to your writing preferences.
For more info about THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thomas Canty
For more info on APOCALYPSE NYX, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Wadim Kashin
Design bv Elizabeth Story
For more info on THE ODDLING PRINCE, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Brian Giberson
Design by Elizabeth Story