Tachyon and Nalo Hopkinson join Humble Bundle’s Be the Change Bundle
We are proud to announce the inclusion of Nalo Hopkinson’s acclaimed collection FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS as part of Humble Bundle’s Be the Change Bundle.

Design by Elizabeth Story
Today, Humble Bundle, a company specializing in digital goods bundles and video game sales, announced that they released their Be the Change Bundle. This bundle represents a common interest from several comic creators to help support the Black Lives Matter movement. Humble Bundle worked with them to curate a unique selection of audiobooks, books, and comics both about and from people of color. A portion of the proceeds from this bundle benefits three charities that are also dedicated to helping support Black lives: The Bail Project, The Carl Brandon Society, and the National Urban League.
“We’re thrilled that Humble Bundle committed to this inclusive project and asked us [to] curate this list of exceptional stories by incredibly talented creators.”
-Karama, TheBlerdGurl
“This was the perfect opportunity to bring attention to a virtual universe of Black art and talent and show just how important it is to have representation both on and off the page.”
-LL McKinney
“We wanted to highlight the array of Black talent in the industry and help support organizations that contribute to access to opportunities!”
-Mikki Kendall
“For me, the most exciting part of this is the incredible range of material here, everything from kids’ books to hard-hitting adventure, to thrilling tales of heroes both imaginary and historic. This is an instant library of gorgeous reads.”
-Gail Simone
The Be the Change Bundle released today, Wednesday, July 8, 2020, at 1PM Pacific and officially ends on Wednesday, July 22, 2020, at 12:59PM Pacific. The total MSRP value for this bundle is over $1,000USD.