The Bookstooge really enjoyed THE VERY BEST OF TAD WILLIAMS


On his blog Bookstooge’s Reviews on the Road, Derrick praises The Very Best of Tad Williams.

I really enjoyed this book of short stories. Some were happy and funny and made me smile. Other stories though, oh man, they made me shudder. They were down right scary! One of them was a movie script and it worked perfectly.


And the cover art is gorgeous, as many of you noted on my status updates. I have to thank all of you who mentioned it because I have to admit it didn’t even cross my radar.

For the rest of Derrick’s review, visit Bookstooge’s Reviews on the Road.

For more information on The Very Best of Tad Williams, visit the Tachyon page.

Cover by Kerem Beyit.

Design by Elizabeth Story