Patricia A. McKillip’s fantastic THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD has a real edge to it, some bite

Photo: Stephen Gold/Wikimedia Commons
THE LITTLE BOOK OWL gives Patricia A. McKillip a Bookish Academy Award 2017 for THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD.
Best Picture: (Best Stand-Alone)
The best stand alone is probably THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD, which I loved. I picked it up on a bit of a whim and I am so glad I did – it was fantastic. I did also really enjoy Artemis by Andy Weir, which is another great standalone.
The book really impressed CUPCAKES AND POPCORN.
So, let’s see… The books that really made an impression on me – and mind you, some of those authors you’ve seen me praising countless times but it’s just how it is for me, I’m a loyal fangirl – in no particular order are:
Against the Sky (The Brodies of Alaska #2) by Kat Martin
The Angel’s Hunger (Masters of Maria #2) by Holley Trent (review is soon to be posted for this one, I’ve been neglectful in my duties, I know!)
Finding the Dream (Dream Trilogy #3) by Nora Roberts
Sins of the Heart (The Sins Series #1) by Eve Langlais
Curse of the Healer (The Derbfine Series #1) by Ashley York
Legacy of Lies (Hell’s Valley #1) & Legacy Lost (Hell’s Valley #2) by Jillian David
Locke and Key (Titan #8) by Cristin Harber
For more info about THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thomas Canty