Join Carrie Vaughn and Sheila Finch for Bubonicon 53
New York Times bestselling author Carrie Vaughn (KITTY’S MIX-TAPE, THE IMMORTAL CONQUISTADOR) and the award-winning Sheila Finch (READING THE BONES) are attending Bubonicon 53, August 26-28 in Albuquerque, NM.

Bubonicon is New Mexico’s best and longest-running Sci-Fi & Fantasy literary and arts convention. Join us in Albuquerque for a great weekend of fun! We have panels and presentations (featuring top authors, artists, and scientists), a costume contest, art show, dealer’s room, Green Slime Awards presentation, charity auctions, fan programming, and much more!
About Bubonicon Sci-Fi & Fantasy Convention

Design by Elizabeth Story