R. B. Lemberg’s fantastic THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES is one of the top books of 2020
After a tumultuous 2020, R. B. Lemberg’s THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES has emerged as one of the most acclaim books of the year.

The NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY cites the novella among Favorite Trans, Nonbinary, and GNC Titles of 2020.
Varian Ross, on their eponymous site, ranks the debut in the Top Books of 2020.
I had no idea how much I needed a book with trans characters who were elders, until I read THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES. This book is not only a fantastic fantasy novella, it’s also a very comforting read. Being trans myself, seeing characters like me mostly in young adult books gets…tiring? I’m not sure what the word I want is, but seeing truly *old* characters who’d transitioned was something I *needed* to see.
At AMBLING ALONG THE AQUEDUCT, Erin K. Wagner mentions the work among The Pleasures of Reading, Viewing, and Listening in 2020.
This work builds quietly in tension, exploring community and connection.
WOMEN’S WEB taps Gautam Bhatia for their favorites. They suggested two titles.
The Waterdancer’s World by by L Timmel Duchamp

On REDDIT r/Fantasy, SeiShonagon includes THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES as well as Marie Brennan’s DRIFTWOOD on their Hugo Award ballot.
My ballot for best novel:
1. Harrow the Ninth
2. Piranesi
4. One of Kingfisher’s three (!) eligible books: The Hollow Places, A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Bases, or Paladin’s Grace
5. The Vanished Birds
And for novellas:
1. The Empress of Salt and Fortune
3. One of the two eligible Penric novellas
4. Riot Baby
5. Ring Shout
On April 27, 2021, Lemberg will be teaching Poetry Techniques for Fiction Writers for Clarion West.
In this workshop, we will learn how to pay attention to language using poetry tools in drafting and revising fiction. We will also learn about poem outlines, and how we can use them to flesh out the characters, the worlds, and the emotional structure of stories.
This workshop is suitable for writers of all levels. Experience writing and publishing poetry is not necessary for this workshop, but please be prepared to experiment with poetic techniques as tools for exploring fiction.