Meet the publisher and many of the authors of Tachyon at LonCon 3

At LonCon 3, the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention (August 14-18, London), Tachyon Publications publisher Jacob Weisman will staff a table full of the fantastic, the surreal, the unusual, and the unexpected from the literary world. Here’s your chance to check out the newest releases and catch up on some of the older award-winning titles you might have missed.

With Ellen Datlow, Cory Doctorow, Daryl Gregory, James Patrick Kelly, John Kessel, Ellen Klages, Pat Murphy, Michael Swanwick, Ann VanderMeer,  Jeff VanderMeer, and Gordon van Gelder all in attendance, here’s your opportunity to meet the brains behind many of  the Tachyon books, not too mention an excellent chance  of getting your copies signed.

Additionally, Jacob is participating in the convention programming.

Not with a Bang, but with a Metaphor

Thursday 12:00 – 13:30, Capital Suite 2 (ExCeL)

From Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ to McCarthy’s ‘The Road’, apocalyptic and dystopian futures are a perennial favourite with writers who might be labelled ‘mainstream’ or ‘literary’. Why do such scenarios have an appeal that goes beyond a genre readership? What does a non-genre apocalypse have to offer that a science fictional one might not, and vice versa? Do we all share broadly similar nightmares, regardless of what ratio of science to sensibility we prefer?

Jacob Weisman (M), Chris Beckett, David Hebblethwaite, Paul Weimer, Noa Menhaim

The Politics and Economics of Cover Art

Friday 15:00 – 16:30, London Suite 3 (ExCeL)

Do figures in hoods really sell more books? Why do we continue to see whitewashed and sexualized covers despite a widespread drive towards more progressive narratives? What are the choices publishers make, how do they justify them, and what – if any – data is there to back them up? What role do authors and editors play in the creation of cover art, and is the role of cover art in bookselling changing with the rise of ebooks and self-publishing?

Jacob Weisman (M) , Irene Gallo, Mark Charan Newton


Sunday 19:00 – 20:00, London Suite 5 (ExCeL)

Jacob Weisman, Peter Higgins

For more on the the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention, visit the LonCon 3 site.