Nebula-nominated short story writer Bob Leman was born 97 years ago

Source: LESSER-KNOWN WRITERS/Jim Rockhill and the Leman family
Prior to his first short story “Bait” appearance in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (January 1967), Bob Leman’s contributions to fandom were mostly as part of First Fandom and the Fantasy Amateur Press Association (FAPA). He produced several fanzines during that period including The American Journal of Oculenteratology (renamed The Vinegar Worm with it’s second issue), Inquiry into Certain Little-Known Consequences of the Berlin-Bagdad Pact, Nematode, and Bulletin of the Dorcas Bagby Society.

The acclaimed Leman’s modest output of just 15 published short stories, 13 of which appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, included INSTRUCTIONS, “Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming,” and “Loob.” “How Dobbstown Was Saved” was originally slated for Harlan Ellison’s infamous The Last Dangerous Visions and finally appeared in the collection Feesters in the Lake & Other Stories, alongside all his other stories.

His most well-known work was the Nebula-nominated “Window.” Filmed as part of Night Visions, the renamed “A View through the Window” aired in July 2001 and starred Bill Pullman.
For more in on INSTRUCTIONS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Michael Dashow