Tachyon tidbits featuring Carrie Vaughn, Lauren Beukes, and Peter S. Beagle
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.
Carrie Vaughn
Photo by Helen SittigLauren Beukes
Photo by Tabitha GuyPeter S. Beagle
Photo by Rina Weisman
[F]ans of Vaughn’s Kitty series will be well-pleased to learn more about the origins and adventures of a much-loved supporting character.
Cover art by Rebecca Harp
Design by Elizabeth StoryCover art by Clara Bacou
Design by Elizabeth Story
At REDDIT r/Fantasy, BitterSprings praises Lauren Beukes’ SLIPPING: STORIES, ESSAYS, & OTHER WRITING in /r/Fantasy Review Tuesday – Review what you’re reading here! – January 05, 2021.
This is a collection of Beukes’ shorter works and like most short story collections there are the ones that grabbed me and the ones that didn’t. Thankfully the hits vastly out number the misses. A lot of the stories focus on the theme of commodification – of bodies, of the poor, of women. A lot of them are harrowing. Hits include The Green and the titular story.
Don’t skip the non-fiction section, especially if you’ve read her previous novels, there’s some interesting reflections on her research for Shining Girls and Zoo City. 4/5
FEVERED SCRIBBLINGS mentions Peter S. Beagle’s IN CALABRIA among 4 Random Fantasy Books You Should Totally Read.
Were you a fan of The Last Unicorn book/comic/movie? If you were, you should totally check out Beagle’s 2017 unicorn book. An Italian farmer, Claudio Bianchi, starts noticing a pregnant unicorn visiting his farm. An aloof man, he decides to ignore it, but finds out the unicorn might have come to him for help.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
On the Romanian site POST MODERN, Adriana Gionea names the fantasy as one of the 33 books to read during the winter holidays.
The winter holidays are also the ideal respite that allows you to plan your next summer vacation. For many, Calabria is an attractive destination. It is no coincidence that they will be attracted by the title of the novel IN CALABRIA. This novel combines inspired picturesqueness, the suspense of gangster movies, love and magical realism.
Translation from Romanian, courtesy of Google