In a special SF in SF, spend an evening with New York Times best-selling author Garth Nix
SF IN SF, in partnership with Tachyon Publications and the American Bookbinders Museum, welcomes the beloved young adult novelist Garth Nix.

Nix’s numerous acclaimed books include the Old Kingdom fantasy series (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen,
Clariel and Goldenhand), a Regency romance with magic, Newts Emerald, SF novels Shades Children and A Confusion of
Princes, and the recently released Angel Mage, a new world of angels, heroes, gunpowder and high magic.

Following a conversation with Terry Bisson, Nix will sign books.
Wednesday, October 2
Doors and cash bar open 6:00PM
Event begins at 6:30 PM
The American Bookbinders Museum
355 Clementina, at 5th Street between Folsom & Howard
San Francisco, CA
$15 with Brown Paper Tickets reserves your seat!!
(general seating)
$20 at the door
All proceeds benefit the American Bookbinders Museum
Books will be for sale courtesy of Borderlands Books, and attendees are welcome to bring books from home for signatures.
Podcasted by SOMA FM – SFs internet radio station
For more information, please email