Anticipation for Lavie Tidhar’s forthcoming CENTRAL STATION reaches a fever pitch
More excitement about Lavie Tidhar’s forthcoming novel CENTRAL STATION from around the web.

At KIRKUS, John DeNardo includes CENTRAL STATION among his Science-Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Books to Look Forward to in 2016.
In May, a wide spectrum of science fiction awaits the reader looking for sense of wonder. For starters, there’s CENTRAL STATION by Lavie Tidhar, which gives intimate portraits of the people located around an Earth-based space station at a time when most of humanity has moved off-world.

(Photo: Kevin Nixon. © Future Publishing 2013.)
In her short story update on THE WRITERLY READER, Katherine Nabity discusses Tidhar’s story “The Book Seller,” which is set in the Central Station universe.
I was about halfway through “The Book Seller” when I realized it was set in Central Station, the same world as “Strigoi” (which I read during COYER in the summer of 2014). The tale continues Carmel’s story, but from the point of view of Achimwene, a seller of old paper books. Carmel is a futuristic strigoi, feeding on the memory “data” of others. Achimwene is un-noded, not part of the information web on which Carmel depends. I really enjoy Tidhar’s science-fiction setting and I’m looking forward to reading CENTRAL STATION, the novel, which is being released in May.

Illustrations by Warwick Fraser-Coombe for “The Book Seller” from the story’s first publication in INTERZONE #244 (January-February 2013)
At the Spanish-language site DONDE ACABA EL
INFINITO, Alexander Páez is excited about CENTRAL STATION.
I have begun to read the latest Tidhar. And although I have 3 or 4 bought his novels, all I’ve read about this author is a story. Tidhar is an author that I only hear positive things, and comments from Miquel Codony (qdony) with the author’s last novel has convinced me that this year I read at least one novel this man.
(Translate from Spanish by Google.)

Gwendolyn Clare includes, without comment, CENTRAL STATION among the forthcoming books she’s “super-stoked to read.”
For more info about CENTRAL STATION, visit the Tachyon page.
Posters by Sarah Anne Langton
Cover design by Elizabeth Story