Best and favorite books of 2020 include THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES and DRIFTWOOD
As the new year begins, lists, recounting the best selections from the previous year, emerge.

On REDDIT r/Fantasy, tarvolon shared their 2020 Superlatives, naming Marie Brennan’s DRIFTWOOD as Most Creative.
It’s been a long time since the last time I stopped in the middle of a book and marveled at the creativity of the premise, but I did when reading DRIFTWOOD, a tale of the place where worlds go to die, smashing up against each other so that the space of a couple blocks may contain not just different peoples or different landscapes, but even entirely different laws of physics. It felt like I was a kid reading my first story about portals to other worlds.
Serena of THE LIBRARY LADIES names the book as a Favorite Read of 2020.
The story jumps through various people’s tales of their interactions with Last, and through these tales, we explore a taste of the wide variety of worlds and peoples that make up Driftwood. It was such a unique story, I don’t think I’ve ever read anything like it. It’s definitely a must-read for fans of science fiction/fantasy.
HOOPLA includes the novel in Critics’ Picks: Can’t Miss Books of 2020.
At REDDIT r/Trollxbookclub, HelenZass lists the work among the best reads of the year.
As did rumplebike over at r/suggestmeabook What are the four best books that you read in 2020?

At REDDIT r/Fantasy, eriophora names DRIFTWOOD and R. B. Lemberg’s THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES in 2020 Fantasy Books With Amazing prose?
Maria Haskins cites both R. B. Lemberg’s THE FOUR PROFOUND WEAVES and To Balance the Weight of Khalem among My Recommended Reading List for 2020.
QUICK SIP REVIEWS includes the novella in 2020 Recommended Reading List.