Excitement builds for Mia Tsai’s lovely BITTER MEDICINE
Though some two months until its March 14 release (the book, both physical and digital, is currently available directly from Tachyon and other select outlets), Mia Tsai’s debut novel BITTER MEDICINE garnering all sorts of attention including a review by Missing Volume and inclusion on a variety of new and highly 2023 anticipated book lists such as 19 New Fantasy And Science Fiction Books You’ve Got To Read by Buzzfeed‘s Margaret Kingsdbury and 12 Sff & Horror Debuts to Watch for in 2023 by K. W. Colyard for Book Riot. The Most Anticipated Science Fiction and Fantasy Books of 2023 at Books of Brilliance, 32 Highly-Anticipated Books Hitting Shelves in 2023, selected by Kelly Gallucci for We Are Bookish, and 20 for 23: My Anticipated Reads for 2023 at Its Koo Reviews all list the book with no comment.

Design by Elizabeth Story
I really liked this book, the setting felt fresh and didn’t bog itself down with tons of worldbuilding. Just enough to get the story told and leave lots of room for more tales in this setting with either these characters or new people.
Missing Volume
It’s a lovely, absorbing read with wonderful characters, a perfect romance, and an action-packed plot.
Elle knows her younger brother will kill her if he finds her. That’s why she’s working an entry-level job with a temp agency; she can’t risk putting all of her magical powers on display for him to find. It’s not all bad — she gets to help a cute half-elf named Luc carry out some truly dangerous operations. When Luc’s next target turns out to be Elle’s younger brother, Elle sees a chance at the kind of happiness she can only dream of. But can she really choose Luc over the rest of her family?
Book Riot