Tachyon tidbits featuring Ellen Klages, Jeff VanderMeer, Charlie Jane Anders, Jo Walton, and Carrie Vaughn
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles and authors from around the web.

Ellen Klages (photo: Scott R. Kline), Jeff VanderMeer (Kyle Cassidy), Charlie Jane Anders (Tristan Crane), Jo Walton (Ada Palmer), and Carrie Vaughn (Henry Söderlund Creative Commons)
The New-York Historical Society announces the finalists for the 6th annual Children’s History Book Prize with Ellen Klages’ Out of Left Field among the honorees.
Through the Children’s History Book Prize, the New-York Historical Society honors the best children’s historical literature in the United States and encourages authors to continue to create engaging and challenging narratives that provide a window into the past for middle readers and their families. The winning author is awarded $10,000. The jury comprises librarians, educators, historians, and families with middle grade readers.

- Facing Frederick by Tonya Bolden
- Front Desk by Kelly Yang
- The Journey of Little Charlie by Christopher Paul Curtis
- Out of Left Field by Ellen Klages
Congrats to all the nominees.

Jeff Somers for B&N SCI-FI & FANTASY BLOG speculates How 15 of Your Favorite Authors Might Finish George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice & Fire including Jeff VanderMeer and Charlie Jane Anders.
Jeff VanderMeer
As the armies of undead from north breach the Wall into Westeros, the true savage reality of the Night’s King’s plan is revealed: the threat is not from his zombie hordes, but from the environmental devastation they leave in their wake (it’s kind of a metaphor). With disaster creeping toward King’s Landing, Jon sends a small band of warriors—Brienne of Tarth (The Soldier), Cersei (The Queen), Arya (The Assassin), and Sansa (The Diplomat)—to investigate a rumor that he hopes will prove to be their salvation: that the Tower of Joy is actually a tunnel (and either way, it is certainly not supposed to represent a penis—some things are not a metaphor)
Charlie Jane Anders
The final battle appears lost, and the Night’s King is glorying in his mad triumph. Suddenly, Arya appears before him, wielding Needle. The battles rages behind her; she is bloody and desperate. The Night’s King mocks her—what will one small girl do? Arya says she’s not alone—suddenly Danny stands next to her. Then Sansa, Melisandre, and Brienne appear. The women link hands and stare balefully at the Night’s King as Melisandre incants a spell.

At TOR.COM, Jo Walton reveals her reading list from March.
Hi, and welcome to a new regular monthly feature on all the books I’ve read in the last month. I read a whole bunch of things, and a whole bunch of kinds of things, fiction and non-fiction, genre and non-genre, letters, poetry, a mix.
March was a long end-of-winter month here, enlivened with an exciting trip to Hong Kong for Melon Con. I finished 27 books in March, and here they are.
The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Vol I, 1876. Some of the poems in this were great, but some of them were trying to be folk ballads without really having that sense of how ballads work. Having said that, I’m very happy to be reading more of her work than just the amazing Sonnets From the Portuguese and her letters. I can see why she was considered a superstar poet in her own day.
Rachel Swirsky, on her eponymous blog, bids a farewell to Carrrie Vaughn’s urban fantasy series about a werewolf named Kitty.
Poor Kitty Norville. Everyone always laughs at the werewolf named Kitty, even though, as she points out, she had the name first.
I’ve read every single one of Carrie Vaughn’s urban fantasy series staring a werewolf named Kitty. So, of course, just like Mary Robinette’s Glamourist Histories and John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War, Carrie’s books ended last year.