DEADMAN’S ROAD is a “near perfect blend of western horror”


Over at Elitist Book Reviews, Steve the Bookstore Guy praises Joe R. Lansdale’s Deadman’s Road.

I like supernatural stuff. I like the Old West. It doesn’t take a genius to see that I really like supernatural stuff in the Old West. DEADMAN’S ROAD, by Joe Lansdale, nicely fills that niche. In short, this collection of short stories and a novella make for pure entertainment.

The stories in this collection star Reverend Jebidiah Mercer. He’s your typical Old West Reverend…well apart from his alcohol addiction, gunslinger skills, and his penchant for violence. You see, he sees himself as the Lord’s Messenger in the Old Testament sense. Wrathful and all that. He is a compelling character that, despite his faults (or perhaps because of them), you love to root for him. 


The overall positive this collection brings is Lansdale’s pure ability to give the readers an uncompromisable, visceral description of the horrors the Reverend is facing. He describes the grotesque in a way rarely ever seen. Amidst all the horror and supernatural, Lansdale never loses sight of the western flavor of the stories. The Reverend is put into intense, horrific situations that grab you by the head and force your eye-lids open so you get every gut-wrenching detail. It is this near perfect blend of western horror that makes this collection one that should be read by every horror-lover out there.

What an amazing collection… 

For the entirety of Steve’s review, visit the Elitist Book Reviews.

For more on Deadman’s Road, visit the Tachyon page

Cover art “The Quick and the Undead” by Travis J. Elston. Design by Elizabeth Story.