Get 20% off Marie Brennan’s lovely DRIFTWOOD
Get 20% off of Marie Brennan’s DRIFTWOOD when you preorder it from our website! Just use the coupon code DRIFTWOOD at checkout.

At NOVEL GAZING REDUX, Marissa Lingen thinks getting the book is a good idea.
I had a good time with this even though I’d read some of the stories already. Having them in a different context illuminates them differently–and, of course, you may not have read any of them at all. It works perfectly well as an introduction to this setting, no preparation required. Just dive in…perhaps a tiny bit carefully. There are kind people here, but it’s not a place of sweetness and light.
Terry Weyna at FANTASY LITERATURE concurs.
I didn’t actually get around to starting Stephen King’s latest opus, but I did read DRIFTWOOD by Marie Brennan, which is a lovely set of vignettes on a world where worlds go to die.