W. P. Kinsella hits a homer at The Word on the Street

Photo: Theodora Ofosuhima
Featured guest W. P. Kinsella garnered a lot of attention at The Word on the Street: Saskatoon Book and Magazine Festival.
In front of a large and excited crowd, Kinsella was interviewed by LIFE OF PI author Yann Martel.

Photo: Theodora Ofosuhima
Writer and illustrator Karin Melberg Schwier included W. P. Kinsella’s reading among her favorite moments of the festival.

Photo: Pat Covello
Prior to the event, THE GEORGIA STRAIGHT asked Kinsella about the book that changed his life.
Mine would be Ray Bradbury’s The Illustrated Man.
I stumbled on a copy while in high school, about 1952, and it suddenly validated my ambitions. I had known from about age six that I wanted to be a writer, but at Eastwood High School in Edmonton we studied one Shakespeare play, a J.M. Barrie play, and a book of dull essays. No fiction. And what I could find at the library generally failed to excite me, though I loved Hemingway’s Across the River and Into the Trees.
The Illustrated Man showed such imagination, and the figurative language stunned me. I said, “This is what I want to do with my life.”

For more info about THE ESSENTIAL W. P. KINSELLA, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Thomas Canty
Cover design by Elizabeth Story