The beloved writer and editor Richard A. Lupoff was born 87 years ago

The author of over 50 books, Richard “Dick” A. Lupoff first rose to fame as the co-editor (with his wife Pat) of the Hugo Award winning sci-fi fanzine Xero, which helped to usher in comic book fandom and featured many astonishing established and up-and-coming contributors including Dan Adkins, ATom, Otto Binder, James Blish, L. Sprague de Camp, Lin Carter, Avram Davidson, Roger Ebert, Harlan Ellison, Ron Goulart, Larry Ivie, Roy Krenkel, Fred Pohl, Bill Schelly, Robert Shea, Steve Stiles, Roy Thomas, Don Thompson, Maggie Thompson, Bob Tucker, Donald Westlake, Ted White, Paul Williams, and Don Wollheim. Pieces of the zine, which ran for only 10 issues form 1960-1963, were collected in three Lupoff co-edited volumes: All In Color For a Dime (1970 w Don Thompson), The Comic Book Book (1973 w Thompson), and THE BEST OF XERO (2004 w Pat Lupoff). He also edited the What If? series (Vol 1 1980 Vol 2 1981 Vol 3 2013), and with Grania Davis, The Investigations of Avram Davidson (1999).

In 1963, Lupoff served as the reprint editor at Canaveral Press for the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs. This lead to his first solo project, Edgar Rice Burroughs: Master of Adventure (1965) and established Lupoff as an expert on ERB. He later wrote Barsoom: Edgar Rice Burroughs and The Martian Vision (1976). His other book length non-fiction included The Reader’s Guide to Barsoom and Amtor (1963 with Larry Ivie and Dave Van Arnam), The Great American Paperback (2001), and Writer: Volume 3 (2016). Some of Lupoff’s criticism and observations have been collected in Writer at Large (1998) and Where Memory Hides: A Writer’s Life (2016).
Among the best known of his over 30 novels are One Million Centuries (1967), Into The Aether (1974), Space War Blues (1978), Buck Rogers In The 25th Century (1978, as by Addison E. Steele), Circumpolar! (1984), Lovecraft’s Book (1985), The Comic Book Killer (1988), Sun’s End (1984), Countersolar! (1987), The Black Tower (1988), The Emerald Cat Killer (2012), and Rookie Blues (2012).

Lupoff’s many short stories have been collected into several books including The Ova Hamlet Papers (1979), Hyperprism / The Digital Wristwatch of Philip K. Dick (1993), Claremont Tales (2001), Terrors (2005), Deep Space (2009), Dreamer’s Dozen (2015), and The Doom That Came to Dunwich (2017). His tale “12:01 PM” was adapted as the film 12:01.
The lovable Dick is missed by all who knew him.