The Best of Lavie Tidhar Bundle
The Best of Lavie Tidhar Bundle from the fine folks at StoryBundle offers 12 fantastic titles from the acclaimed award-winning Lavie Tidhar’s vast catalog.
When the opportunity came to put together a bundle exclusively of my books, I just couldn’t resist!
If you decide to take a chance on it, you may have read some of the books before, or maybe you never heard of any of these. But for me, each one was an adventure to write.
The real streets of Central Station in Tel Aviv inspired the novel of that name. Living on the Mekong in Vientiane inspired much of the atmosphere of Gorel & The Pot-Bellied God, and a fascination with the game of poker led to the writing of The Big Blind.
The world of Unholy Land was much informed by the years I spent in south and east Africa, just as my adopted home city of London was a fundamental character in The Violent Century and The Vanishing Kind.
But I cannot, in truth, claim ever to have lived in the Doinklands of The Escapement.
These are some of my favourite novels and novellas of the past decade or so. I wrote them variously in Laos, in Israel, in Vanuatu and in London. A key part of Unholy Land was written in Korea, at the Toji Cultural Centre whose founder, the author Pak Kyongni, inspired in turn the writing of New Atlantis.
The bundle includes my earliest novella, An Occupation of Angels, with a brand-new edition and a cover by artist Paul McCaffrey, who worked with me on the graphic novel Adler. It also includes an exclusive sampler of my latest work, the forthcoming SF novel Neom, which was inspired by my visits to Egypt over the years, and my dreams of what lay on the other side of the Red Sea.
I hope you enjoy them!About the Charity: My family were refugees. My mother was born in a Displaced Persons camp and spent the first two years of her life there. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) work all over the world, from Syria to Myanmar to Ukraine, providing critical emergency assistance and much more. Their work is as vital as ever. Please consider a donation if you can.
Lavie Tidar

Can we just all admit now that Lavie Tidhar’s a genius?
—Daryl Gregory, award-winning author of Spoonbenders