The books of Nancy Kress kick science fictional ass

As part of the FANTASY CAFE Women in SF&F Month, guest poster Brenda Cooper delivered her essay “Women Kick Science Fictional Ass,” which included Nancy Kress, author of the Nebula nominated YESTERDAY’S KIN.
I discovered multiple Hugo and Nebula winning writer Nancy Kress through her bestselling novel Beggars in Spain. I used to haunt Elliot Bay Books (way back when it was in Pioneer Square in Seattle) looking for new Nancy Kress books. This was before I had published a single story. Now she and I are both physical and Facebook friends, and have dinner together and see movies from time to time. My early fascination with Nancy’s work was because she writes about genetics and about the affects of technologies on real people. I keep enjoying her work because her characters are real and her worlds are plausible. She’s a fabulous short story writer, and a writer of excellent books about writing. She has a novella, Yesterday’s Kin, on this year’s Nebula ballot.
Read the rest of Cooper’s article at FANTASY CAFE.
For more on YESTERDAY’S KIN, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thomas Canty.