THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY preview: “The One They Took Before” by Kelly Sandoval
In celebration of the recently released THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY, Tachyon and editors Peter S. Beagle and Jacob Weisman present glimpses into the future of fantasy from several of the volume’s magnificent tales.

One They Took Before
> seattle > all seattle > lost&found
23 Jul
Rift in the Fabric of the Universe – (West Seattle)
opened in my backyard. About six feet tall and one foot wide. Appears
to open onto a world of endless twilight and impossible beauty. Makes
a ringing noise like a thousand tiny bells. Call (206) 555-9780 to
reads the listing twice, knowing the eager beating of her heart is
ridiculous. One page back, someone claims they found a time machine.
Someone else has apparently lost their kidneys.
Internet isn’t real. That’s what she likes about it. And if the
post is real, the best thing she can do is pretend she never saw it.
all, she’s doing better. She sees a therapist now. She’s had a
couple of job interviews.
calls the number.
It’s a man’s voice. Kayla can’t identify his accent.
Hi.” Her words come out timid and thin, almost a whisper. She
stands and starts pacing the length of her apartment, stepping over
dirty clothes and cat toys. “I’m calling about your Craigslist
He sounds surprised, but not displeased. “I’m glad to hear from
you. So, when did you lose it?”
rift. When did you lose it?”
A thousand years ago? Time was meaningless there. She’s pretty sure
it all happened a very long time ago.
complicated,” she says.
For more info about THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Camille André
Cover design by Elizabeth Story