We’ve updated our submission guidelines
At long last, we’ve got some revised submission guidelines.

Tachyon is currently open to agented book projects. Please use the following guidelines regarding submissions.
Manuscript submissions – Fiction/Nonfiction
Open to agents
Unfortunately, Tachyon is not taking any direct author submissions at this time. Please do not send submissions if you represent yourself. We recommend Agent Query and the Writer Information Center at SFWA as publishing information resources.
We are actively accepting book proposals from genre and literary agents. To ensure that queries are answered promptly, please direct them into our submissions pipeline [email to: submissions @ tachyonpublications.com], and not to any specific member of Tachyon’s staff.
Tachyon is particularly interested in speculative fiction projects – novels, novellas, collections, and anthologies – with high-quality writing, original concepts, and nontraditional influences. Nonfiction must be science fiction, fantasy, or horror themed.

Artists and designers: Open
We are taking submissions from book designers and artists, including interiors/layout, illustration, and cover design and/or art. Please email us at [artists@tachyonpublications.com] or [designers@tachyonpublications.com] with your current resume in the body of the email and a link to your portfolio (no attachments, please).

Internships: Closed through Summer 2019
We are not offering internships at this time. If you would like to be considered for a future internship, please email us at [internships@tachyonpublications.com] with a cover letter and resume. Special consideration will be given to candidates with an interest in the science fiction and fantasy genres, and to those possessing skills and experience with copyediting, proofreading, copywriting, marketing, and publicity.