With THE OVERNEATH, Peter S. Beagle lets you believe in magic, mythos, and wonder
Excitement builds for Peter S. Beagle’s forthcoming collection THE OVERNEATH.

At ARTISTIC BENT, Tara Sheehan praise the collection.
Even 60 years after he started putting pen to page what made Beagle so uplifting, fresh and enduring has not lost its luster with his latest collection of short stories.
We have over ten tales to take us away including the chance to relive that childhood magic from long ago by meeting Schmendrick once again. Diving into his illustrious work you get to walk down memory lane when life could just be full of mythic beings, hauntings to give you goosebumps and people you wish were real so they could make this world just a little easier to live in.
What is truly beautiful about this book is that Beagle’s writing lets you believe, if only for a little while, that magic, mythos and wonder are real. As you enter his world you become part of it and for that time the impossible is achievable.

Photo: Rina Weisman
KRISTEN READS TOO MUCH loves the stories.
Oh my god, guys. The imagery. It is so awesome!~
So, the first and most important thing that lead me right into being like “YES, NETGALLEY, I WOULD LOVE TO READ THIS BOOK” is that the green-eyed boy featured in the first story “The Green-Eyed Boy” is in fact, Schmendrick the Magician, last of the red hot swamis. A young Schmendrick, who has just started his apprenticeship with Nikos, a master wizard. We see Schmendrick’s clumsy attempts to work the powerful magic that he has right from the beginning. I loved it. Getting his origin story, so to speak, an outcast boy from a family that cares not a whit for him… even his name, from a Yiddish word that means something along the lines of “somebody out of his depth” as Beagle once put it, is a source of shame for him. Poor Schmendrick. I feel for him. What an amazing opener for this book of stories!
It was awesome from start to finish. Never samey, never boring.
THE BIBLIOSANCTUM is looking forward to the book.
THE OVERNEATH by Peter S. Beagle was another wonderful surprise in my mailbox last week, featuring both new and previously uncollected tales by the author whom I had the pleasure of reading for the first time just earlier this year with IN CALABRIA. While I don’t read a lot of short stories, I love Beagle’s prose so much that I’m actually quite excited to check out this anthology!

For more info on THE OVERNEATH, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
For more info about IN CALABRIA, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story