THE VERY BEST OF KATE ELLIOTT preview: “On the Dying Winds of the Old Year and the Birthing Winds of the New”

In celebration of the impending release of THE VERY BEST OF KATE ELLIOTT, we are sharing story excerpts from the collection.
Today’s preview comes from “On the Dying Winds of the Old Year and the Birthing Winds of the New.”
Outon the water, paddling a canoe, the four women could speak withoutfear of being overheard. It was a windy day, sloppy water instead ofsteady swells, and their canoe battled an east wind blustering inover the bay. Mai set paddle to water, pulled, and lifted it out and
forward to cut back in again, following the rhythm of the woman in
the first seat.“There’s
a spy in Bronze Hall,” said the woman in the seat behind Mai.“What
makes you think so, Tesya?” Mai called the question back over her
Marshal Orhon’s courier bag went missing. The bag contained his
orders for which reeves were to shift station, which to come home to
roost, and which to stay where they were and what routes they were to
patrol. Good information if you were wanting to trap reeves stationed
out in isolated eyries.”
THE VERY BEST OF KATE ELLIOTT will be available for sale by all finer outlets on February 10, 2015.
For more on THE VERY BEST OF KATE ELLIOTT, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Julie Dillon.
Design by Elizabeth Story.