THE MONSTROUS explores the ever-widening definition of what makes a monster, with nary a misstep

PUBLISHERS WEEKLY reviewed superstar editor Ellen Datlow’s forthcoming anthology THE MONSTROUS.
Datlow, horror anthologist extraordinaire, brings together all things monstrous in this excellent reprint anthology of 20 horror stories that explore the ever-widening definition of what makes a monster, with nary a misstep. The varied sources of monstrosity include a very troubled kindergarten teacher, a catering company that puts humans on the menu, and spirit-devouring creatures out of Japanese mythology, all creating distinctive microcosms where monsters reign in many forms.
Read the rest of the *starred* review at PUBLISHERS WEEKLY.

THE MONSTROUS rises from the depths this October.
For more on THE MONSTROUS, visit the Tachyon page.
Illustration by John Coulthart
Cover by Reiko Murakami
Cover design by Elizabeth Story