Happy birthday to the pioneering Cory Doctorow
Influential blogger, journalist, and author Cory Doctorow contributes daily to Pluralistic, a monthly column for Locus, regularly to Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Deeplinks, and numerous other venues. He is a vocal advocate of the Creative Commons, having published a majority of his works under that license.
His numerous acclaimed, award-winning works include Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (2003; winner of Locus Award for Best First Novel), A Place So Foreign and Eight More (2003; Sunburst Award), Little Brother (2008; John W. Campbell Memorial, Prometheus, Sunburst, and White Pine Award), Pirate Cinema (2012; Prometheus Award), Homeland (2013; Prometheus Award), and Walkaway (2017; Dragon Award). Additionally, Cory has won the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer and The Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award.

Other works include Eastern Standard Tribe (2004), Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town (2005), Little Brother (2008), Makers (2009), For the Win (2010), and The Rapture of the Nerds (2012 with Charles Stross). Doctorow’s first picture book Poesy the Monster Slayer (illustrated by Matt Rockefeller) recently came out from First Second.
Doctorow’s many books on the internet, copyright, and technology include CONTENT: SELECTED ESSAYS ON TECHNOLOGY, CREATIVITY, COPYRIGHT, AND THE FUTURE OF THE FUTURE (2008), CONTEXT: FURTHER SELECTED ESSAYS ON PRODUCTIVITY, CREATIVITY, PARENTING, AND POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY (2011), and Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free (2014).
Cover design by Ann Monn Cover design by Elizabeth Story
Much of his short fiction has been collected in A Place So Foreign and Eight More (2003), Overclocked: Stories of the Future Present (2007), Cory Doctorow’s Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now (2008 in graphic format with James Anthony Kuhoric, Dara Naraghi, Dan Taylor, and J. C. Vaughn), With a Little Help (2009), Overclocked: More Stories of the Future Present (2016), and Radicalized (2019). Alongside Holly Phillips, Doctorow co-edited Tesseracts Eleven: Amazing Canadian Speculative Fiction (2007).
All of us at Tachyon, wish the visionary Cory a happy birthday.