Kate Elliot explains how to write women characters as human beings

At Tor.com, Kate Elliott talks about how to create believable female characters.
There is an “easy” answer to this.
Write all characters as human beings in all their glorious complexity and contradiction.
That’s a decent answer, although rarely easy to pull off in practice, but it’s not really answering the question I’m getting asked.
Standard Disclaimer One: In no way am I suggesting anyone has to write women in a particular way or that they have to write women at all. Write what you want to write. That’s what I do. This post is for the people who have asked the question to me directly or in a more general way to themselves.
Standard Disclaimer Two: I’m barely scratching the surface here. There is so much more that can be said. Think of this essay as part of the journey rather than the destination.
My Three Basic Pieces of Advice
Learn about Elliott’s basic pieces of advice in her insightful piece at Tor.com.
For more on THE VERY BEST OF KATE ELLIOTT, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Julie Dillon.
Design by Elizabeth Story.