LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG is entertaining and enjoyable
The reviews of the recently released LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG keep coming in.

Becki Weston at THE FLUTTERBY ROOM was not disappointed with the much anticipated read.
I am a huge fan of Kelley Armstrong, and when I was offered the chance to read this collection I couldn’t help but say yes. I was not disappointed. Of course, there were a couple of stories that I didn’t enjoy as much as the others but on the whole I think Armstrong has pulled together some really fantastic short stories in this collection. There are stories set in new worlds, but there are also stories set in familiar worlds if you follow Armstrong’s series – there are stories based in her Darkness Rising universe, her Otherworld universe, her Cainsville universe, and her Age of Legends universe.
If you are a fan of Kelley Armstrong then you must get your hands on this book! I think it would be a great addition to your collection whatever series is your particular favourite. If you’ve never read any of Kelley Armstrong’s fiction before – and why have you not?! – then this could be a great place for you to start – just be aware that there may be some minor spoilers for you. I am so pleased that I managed to get an ARC of this book, and I will definitely be buying my own hard copy.
Read the rest of Weston’s review at THE FLUTTERBY ROOM.

Scene from the SyFy Channel show BITTEN
At INSIDE OF A DOG, Kathy Martin praised the collection.
“Screams of Dragons” may be waking me up at night for quite a while as I try to decide whether the main character was already broken or if he was broken by the systematic abuse he suffers at the hands of his grandmother. Many of the stories contain more than a touch of horror with ghosts, zombies, and murderers. Many of the stories had unexpected twists to them.
All of the stories were entertaining and enjoyable. It is nice to be able to have these stories that were originally published in a variety of newspapers, magazines and anthologies in one collection. “The Door” and “Devil May Care” were original to this collection.
Fans of short stories and fans of Kelley Armstrong’s work will enjoy being able to have this collection on their shelves.
Read the rest of Martin’s review at INSIDE THE DOG.

photo: Babelio
Carmel at RABID READS reviews every story in the book.
Given the amount of Speculative Fiction that I read, encountering a new-to-me supe is a rarity, so it was a pleasure hanging with Armstrong’s Rakshashi. The lore was nicely fleshed out considering this short’s length, and Amrita was a very likable character.KAT – 5/5
I listened to the DARKEST POWERS trilogy a while back, so KAT was a welcome trip down memory lane while also contributing something extra to the original series by highlighting a lesser known protagonist, and adding another layer to the Edison Group experiment.
Read the rest of Carmel’s story reviews at RABID READS.
For more information on LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story