Meet Ellen Klages, Cory Doctorow, and Charlie Jane Anders

Ellen Klages (WICKED WONDERS), Cory Doctorow (CONTENT), and Charlie Jane Anders (SIX MONTHS, THREE DAYS) are attending Bay Area Book Fest 2017 in Berkley, CA, June 3-4.

Ellen Klages (photo: Scott R. Kline), Cory Doctorow (Jonathan Worth, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0), and Charlie Jane Anders (Tristan Crane)
The trio will be participating in several events.
Saturday, June 3
11:45 AM The Lessons of History, Alternate or Otherwise
When we think of science fiction and fantasy, we think of alternate realities and futuristic cities—avatars and AI and Coruscant. But these genres look to what happened in the past as much as what might lie ahead. Go back to the future with three leading sci-fi and fantasy authors and explore what writers and readers can glean by going backward in time to move forward.
Ellen Klages, John Scalzi, Nisi Shawl, Gregory Benford, moderated by Charlie Jane Anders

Sunday, June 4
10 AM When Reality Meets Science Fiction
Large-scale, far-in-the-future stories tend to get most the glory in the sci-fi canon. But what happens when reality already feels like science fiction? Like George Orwell’s ‘1984,’ near-future narratives exploit current technology, politics, and fears to explore what life could be like in 10 years, one year, or even a hour. Our panelists consider how to predict the tantalizing possibility of what might be.
Cory Doctorow, Meg Elison, Zachary Mason, moderated by Annalee Newitz

1:30 PM Imagining the Other: Using Fantasy to Build Empathy
You’ve no doubt heard the adage, “Write what you know,” but what if you want to write about aliens, dragons, wizards, or people from an entirely different culture? Four writers debunk the myth that “knowing” trumps all, and how it’s far more important to write what you imagine, what inspires you, and what story you want to tell.
Randy Henderson and Erika Lewis, moderated by Ellen Klages

3:15 PM Tor Books presents Science Fiction and the Resistance!
Join Charlie Jane Anders, Cory Doctorow, Annalee Newitz and John Scalzi as they kick ass, take names and decide who goes down first, and hardest, in an epic discussion about new directions in science fiction and fantasy.
Cory Doctorow, John Scalzi, Annalee Newitz, and Charlie Jane Anders
For more info on WICKED WONDERS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
Cover design by Ann Monn
For more info on SIX MONTHS, THREE DAYS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story