Tachyon tidbits featuring Nalo Hopkinson, Patricia A. McKillip, Alastair Reynolds, and Kelly Armstrong
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles from around the web.

Nalo Hopkinson, Patricia A. McKillip (Wikimedia Commons), Alastair Reynolds (photo: Barbera Bella), and Kelley Armstrong (photo: Kathryn Hollinrake)
Over at Book Riot, in celebration of Women’s History Month, Bronwyn Averett offers pairings of music and books, a soundtrack to #ReadWomen.
Monáe’s METROPOLIS seriesInspired by the classic Fritz Lang silent film, Monáe’s EP
THE CHASE and full-length albums THE
ELECTRIC LADY tell the story of a time traveling
android who is sent to Metropolis to stop the oppressive forces of a
secret society. It’s an Afrofuturist journey told through
Monáe’s strong lyrics and neo-soul musical stylings. I highly
recommend pairing with Nalo Hopkinson’s recent collection of short

ANNE-THOLOGY OF BOOKS enjoyed her introduction to Patricia A. McKillip by way of DREAMS OF DISTANT SHORES.
The series of stories were each unique and contained within different settings. The continuous transition from one story to the next was extremely jarring and I felt like a fish flailing on land. There was so much detail and the characters were all so diverse that I felt overwhelmed…in a good way. The tales were simply bewitching and bewildering. I’m a new reader to Patricia McKillip but I loved the prose and the way the writing immediately sucked me in. I liked some stories better than most and each has something that snags my attention, but I favored The Gorgon in the Cupboard. There’s just something about it that fits and connects with me since I’ve always had a fascination for the Victorian era. I left that story (and many others) wishing to know more.

Stephen Theaker at his THEAKER’S QUARTERLY FICTION praises Alastair Reynolds’ SLOW BULLETS.
There was a war between the Central Worlds and the Peripheral Systems, both of them fairly religious, and just as a peace was agreed Scurelya Timsuk Shunde, our narrator, is captured by a war criminal and taken to a bunker, where he injects her with a slow bullet, which’ll burrow through her body till it reaches her heart. She’s left to die, and probably will, and then she wakes up…
Now, I was glad to be able to read the book and be surprised by everything that came next, and if you want the full effect too then skip to the star rating and buy the book. If not…

I have been reading this for a while. I am notoriously bad at reading short story collections, but I read one or two of these every morning and it worked really well. My only draw-back was there were novellas mixed in and they took a bit longer to read. But, I finished it! I love Kelley Armstrong, but have only mostly read her Women of the Otherworld series. There were stories related to that, but there were also stories based around her other series that I really must get around to reading more from. Recommended!

For more information on FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Chuma Hill
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more info on DREAMS OF DISTANT SHORES, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thomas Canty
For more info about SLOW BULLETS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Thomas Canty
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more information on LED ASTRAY: THE BEST OF KELLEY ARMSTRONG, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Elizabeth Story