Jane Yolen’s delightful THE EMERALD CIRCUS is one of the best short story collections ever

Starting at about 10:10, WRITING EXCUSES (episode 13.1) podcast praises Jane Yolen’s THE EMERALD CIRCUS.
This is one of the
best short story collections I’ve ever read. It’s been years since
I read something as good as this.

Photo: Jason Stemple
At BOOKSKILL, Nora M. Mulligan enjoys the collection.
It takes a good writer, like Jane Yolen, to take a collection of stories written over a period of years and turn it into a delight like THE EMERALD CIRCUS. When you consider how many of the stories in this book are based on famous works of literature we’re all fairly familiar with, her achievement is all the more impressive.
If you don’t have a lot of time to devote to a book, if you’re a fan of short stories in general, or if you’ve got a taste for fantasy with a feminist twist, then by all means check out THE EMERALD CIRCUS.

The Coode Street Podcast returns for 2018 with a very special opening episode. Today Gary and Jonathan sat down to talk with SFWA Grand Master, World Fantasy Award Lifetime Achievement recipient, and Nebula Award winner Jane Yolen to talk to her about her life as a storyteller, her new collection THE EMERALD CIRCUS, her forthcoming Holocaust novel Mapping the Bones, and what it means to have multiple careers as an author of children’s picture books, young adult novels, historical fiction, SF and fantasy, and poetry.

Connecticut River Valley Sanctuaries presents “Owl Moon,” on Saturday, Jan. 20 at Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary in Easthampton, MA.
Come see a magical shadow puppet presentation of Jane Yolen’s classic book “Owl Moon,” and learn about the seven native owl species in Massachusetts. After the show, take a walk in the dark, brisk winter woods to call for owls. After the walk, you will return indoors to warm up with a cup of hot chocolate and a snack. Dress to be outdoors for half of this program. Registration is required, call 413-584-3009. Cost is $8 adults and children members; nonmembers $10 adult and children.
For more info on THE EMERALD CIRCUS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover design by Elizabeth Story