Tachyon tidbits featuring Lavie Tidhar, Jacob Weisman, Nalo Hopkinson, and Ellen Datlow
The latest reviews and mentions of Tachyon titles from around the web.

Lavie Tidhar, Jacob Weisman, Nalo Hopkinson (Photo: IRFAN KHAN/GETTY IMAGES), and Ellen Datlow (Source: Tom Joyce)
SF SIGNAL lavishes praise upon the new cover for Lavie Tidhar’s forthcoming novel CENTRAL STATION.
Tachyon Publications has posted the excellent cover art for their upcoming publication of Lavie Tidhar’s Central Station. Cover art is by the wonderful Sarah Anne Langton. I love the retro feel and the monochromatic look of this.

The GEEKY NERF HERDER expressed similar sentiments by simply posting the cover with #CoolArt.

Mogsy at THE BIBLIOSANCTUM is excited about Jacob Weisman’s new anthology INVADERS: 22 TALES FROM THE OUTER LIMITS OF LITERATURE.
When book mail arrived from California, I was thrilled to discover it was this sci-fi anthology from Tachyon Publications! From aliens to nanotech, this wild collection features all manner of science fiction and beyond. I’m not even a big reader of short stories, but I do want to read this one.

IAFOR, the International Academic Forum, announced Belén Martín-Lucas (Associate Professor, University of Vigo, Spain) as the Keynote Speaker at The IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies 2016 (Global2016) in Barcelona.
Her Keynote Presentation, “Speculations on Posthuman Love: Nalo Hopkison’s Response to Neoliberal Necropolitics”, will discuss TransCanadian author Nalo Hopkinson’s critique of the devastating regime of the expulsion of a majority of the population from the networks of economic globalization, and from life itself.

THIS IS HORROR announced Ellen Datlow’s THE MONSTROUS as the runner-up for their Anthology of the Year award.

For more info about CENTRAL STATION, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Sarah Anne Langton
For more information about INVADERS: 22 TALES FROM THE OUTER LIMITS OF LITERATURE, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Goro Fujita
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more information on FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOMINIDS, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Chuma Hill
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more on THE MONSTROUS, visit the Tachyon page.
Illustrations by John Coulthart
Cover by Reiko Murakami
Cover design by Elizabeth Story