Complete with his usual brilliance, Lavie Tidhar’s bewilderingly rich tapestry THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE WORLD is a 2023 mostest SF
The World Fantasy, Campbell, Xingyun, and Neukom Award winning-author Lavie Tidhar’s new science fiction novel THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE WORLD is, according to Dan Friedman for Book and Film Globe, one of the Mostest SF of 2023 (aka best). At Ambling Along the Aqueduct, Cat Rambo agrees. While not declaring it a best of 2023, Juan Sanmiguel on Rainbow War Blog enjoys the experience. David Agranoff on his Postcards From a Dying World praises NEOM, Tidhar’s return to the universe of the John W. Campbell Award Winner CENTRAL STATION. In a lengthy interview with Tidhar, Auraist (Part 1 Part 2) delivers an in-depth discussion of various aspects of his prose style. Loontown, the award-winning animated short written by Tidhar and directed by Nir Yaniv, is now available for free viewing.

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Lavie Tidhar is one of today’s most prolific SF writers, deeply embedded in the scene as writer, editor and anthologist, and who also has an encyclopedic knowledge of SF history. CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE WORLD puts all of these together in a novel that comprises a bewilderingly rich tapestry of SF allusion. The search that propels the novel is, self-reflexively, a search for a science fiction novel. Not only the plot, but the entire universe is tied up in a roman a clef history of SF.
Book and Film Globe
His usual brilliance, so much lovely stuff in this!
Ambling Along the Aqueduct
This is an interesting romp in the world of literary SF. We get the story of the people who were effected by the book, the book itself and the life of the writer. It looks into the power and motivations for creating art.
Rainbow War Blog