The legendary and influential David G. Hartwell was born 76 years ago

David Hartwell with Jacob and Rina Weisman at James Cummins Bookseller (photo: Ellen Datlow)
A recipient of the Hugo, World Fantasy, and Eaton awards, David G. Hartwell was a senior editor at Tor/Forge Books and the publisher of the NEW YORK REVIEW OF SCIENCE FICTION. He chaired the board of directors of the World Fantasy Convention and, with Gordon Van Gelder, is the administrator of the Philip K. Dick Award. Hartwell wrote AGE OF WONDERS. His nearly 50 anthologies included THE WORLD TREASURY OF SCIENCE FICTION, THE ASCENT OF WONDER: THE EVOLUTION OF HARD SF (with Kathryn Cramer), THE SCIENCE FICTION CENTURY, NORTHERN SUNS (with Glenn Grant), THE DARK DESCENT, THE HARD SF RENAISSANCE (with Cramer), THE SWORD & SORCERY ANTHOLOGY (with Jacob Weisman), and TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY SCIENCE FICTION (Patrick Nielsen Hayden). Hartwell has edited 18 volumes of YEAR’S BEST SF (11 with Cramer) and with Cramer, eight volumes of YEAR’S BEST FANTASY.

After time at Signet and Berkley, Hartwell moved onto Pocket Books, where he founded the Timescape imprint and created the Pocket Books Star Trek publishing line. He edited the best-novel Nebula Award-winners TIMESCAPE by Gregory Benford (1980), THE CLAW OF THE CONCILIATOR by Gene Wolfe (1981), and NO ENEMY BUT TIME by Michael Bishop (1982), as well as the best-novel Hugo Award-winner HOMINIDS by Robert J.Sawyer (2002).

Following a severe head injury, Hartwell passed away in 2016. The editorial genius with the bright ties is missed.
For more info on THE SWORD & SORCERY ANTHOLOGY, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Jean-Sebastien Rossbach
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more info on YEAR’S BEST FANTASY, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover designs by Ann Monn